Keeping Calm In Preschool: Talking Mental Health For Early Childhood Educators
Search Mental Health – Early Childhood Educators – Singapore and you will probably find a listing of links pertaining to children’s social-emotional wellness instead.
Search a little deeper and a handful of articles might pop up, such as one that indicates Singapore’s Ministry of Education is aware of “gaps that need plugging” when addressing teacher burnout in Singapore (Goh & Yip, 2021).
Whilst the mental health of our young is certainly a priority, is it really true that teachers are “self-sacrificial” adults who can cope with the stressors of teaching? Should we even assume or expect this?
Join Dr Denise and Dr Cecilia Chu in this online workshop where they will discuss some of the tangible ways changes can be made at both the individual and systemic levels to alleviate anxiety, anger, frustration, and depression in early childhood settings in Singapore.
~ A workshop for teachers and leaders alike! ~
The cost of this workshop is SGD0.
Registration will close 24 hours before the start of the workshop.
Please email if you require more information.
In this workshop, Dr Cecilia Chu will cover both preventive and remedial strategies that an early years’ teacher can take to maintain a positive outlook and good mental health at work. Dr Chu is a clinical psychologist with the Raffles Medical Group. She is trained in a variety of psychological interventions and always seeks to understand and help in a respectful and compassionate way. For more information about Dr Chu, please see here.
In this workshop, Dr Denise will cover the micro-, meso- and macro- factors that tend to undermine the early childhood educator’s mental health in preschool. She will focus on the group/social and systemic factors that can reduce stress, and in the process, improve teacher engagement and retention in early years’ settings. Dr Denise Lai Chua is no stranger to CAPE. As Managing Director and Head Consultant of the practice, Dr Denise is at the forefront of spearheading worthwhile and meaningful initiatives that empower and equip parents and teachers throughout Asia. For more information about Dr Denise, please click here.
How to Register
1. Fill in this Google Form.
2. We will get in touch with you with further details about the workshop.