Training and consultancy programmes at CAPE are delivered through different modalities, either on-site and/or online, depending on the need, location and public health guidelines.
CAPE’s Early Childhood Education Modules are designed to provide parents and teachers with techniques to nurture their children’s skills and competencies in developmental and learning domains.
CAPE’s Early Intervention Modules are designed to provide parents and teachers with strategies and techniques to nurture their child with additional needs.
Designed for teachers, therapists, educational leaders, schools, and parents seeking personal development and/or advice about setting up a home learning programme for their child with additional needs.
The Birkman ® Method is a science-backed suite of self-assessment tools that has been continuously enhanced over seven decades of validity testing and innovation.
Coaching and Mentoring Support is now available from one of CAPE’s qualified, experienced and highly skilled consultants for any early childhood educator in Asia. Support may take the form of a listening ear, professional advice, pedagogical or life skills training, career coaching, etc.
About CAPE
CAPE provides a wide range of bespoke training and consultancy programmes for parents and teachers throughout Asia.
Operating hours
Monday – Saturday, 10.00 – 17.00
CAPE (Singapore)
10 Anson Road, #27-08, Singapore 079903
CAPE (Hong Kong)
1004, 10/F, Kwan Chart Tower, 6 Tonnochy Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
Other Locations
Indonesia – India – Cambodia